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Rental Property Application

Rental Property Application Form

Fill in your details below to apply for one of our rental properties.

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This application form collects personal information about you. It is important for you to know why this information is being collected and how it will be stored. This information is required for the purpose of:
  • Assessing your eligibility as a tenant;
  • Collecting information which may be provided to a tenant default database and/or credit bureau if you enter into a tenancy agreement and fail to comply with the terms of that agreement;
  • Being retained securely by our office for the duraton of your tenancy (if your application is successful) and seven years following;
  • Being made available to credit bureaux and/or tenant default databases and will be accessible to other people that may inquire of this credit bureaux and/or tenant default database;
Failure to supply all the information in this form means you may not be considered for the applied tenancy. You have a right to see the information held about you by any credit checking bureau or tenant default database and to have that informaiton corrected in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993.


  1. I consent to you using the information I have provided on this form to complete credit and reference checks and to assess my suitability as a tenant for the property applied for. I understand and consent that you may engage a credit checking bureau to assist in the completion of these checks.
  2. I understand that reference checks may include but are notlimited to questions such as:
    • • Whether I have paid rent on time in my previous renting history;
    • • Whether there had been any breaches in the tenancy;
    • • Whether I had kept the property and grounds clean and tidy;
    • • Whether I had been considerate towards neighbours;
    • • When I vacated the property, whether I had left the property and its grounds in a clean and tidy condition;
    • • Whether I or my visitors had engaged in any verbal or physically threatening behaviour during the tenancy;
    • • Whether there was any illegal use or manufacture of drugs within my previous tenancies;
    • • Whether any of my previous landlords would rent to me again.
  3. I understand that I may be declined this tenancy and that being declined, the landlord does not need to provide a reason why.
  4. I confirm the information in this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I have read the Privacy Act Statement as stated above.